Topguns To Love and Cherish
Topguns To Love and Cherish

*Topguns To Love and Cherish

*Topguns To Love and Cherish ---  DOR Tet 6” 30” 4br 24bc RE Mid

This is a flower that is impossible not to love.  The base color is pleasing, the eye (it is the precursor to a patterned double I believe) is just the right color, and the edge… well, you can see for yourself.

Garden Visitors always ask the same question when they see this one: “Why is THAT not an intro already?!” Simple:  we have used it extensively for so long we didn’t have enough to share!  Well, the day has finally arrived.  This one is EXTREMELY limited, but those who get in early will be so glad they did.  Fertile both ways, but not the easiest pod parent.