Topguns My Friend Debbie
Topguns My Friend Debbie

*Topguns My Friend Debbie
*Topguns My Friend Debbie --- DOR Tet 6” 35” 4br 24bc RE EE

Every time I see this one, even to this day, all I can say is “WOW!”  Named after my longtime best friend in the daylily world Debbie Friedlander.  I could go into great detail about this one, but I believe it speaks for itself.  What you see here is what you will get, as I have shown an early season pic and a late season rebloom.  It is an AMAZING performer, simple as that.  Add in the fact it has wonderful plant habit, a terrific scape and is easily (and I mean easily) fertile both ways and you have a five star double.  EXTREMELY limited.

This is exactly what I wanted when I began using  Topguns Spirit Walker in the hybridizing program.  Hopefully she is as great for you as she is for me!