Topguns Her Majesty
Topguns Her Majesty
Topguns Her Majesty Topguns Her Majesty
Topguns Her Majesty

*Topguns Her Majesty
*Topguns Her Majesty ($250)---  SEV Tet 7” 32” 5br 25bc RE Mid

The day has finally come.  Topguns Her Majesty is finally being introduced.  It is bittersweet for us, as she has been all mine for so long it feels odd to share (see a pattern forming here?)! This is THE most complete double daylily we have ever introduced.  Weather, bloom season, temperature,  Topguns Her Majesty simply does not care, she just does her thing.  I mean LOOK at that color!

I thought Topguns Apache Fancy Dancer would be the pinnacle of this look, but the crown has been passed.  Her garden name has always been Her Majesty as she is the ruler of the garden.  Even the great My Friend Ellen bows in reverence.

Let’s get past the fact it is the perfect color, let’s talk about plant habit.  I have never lost a fan, ever.  I have divided it in August, in OKLAHOMA! No fans lost.  Her scape is spectacular.  She is easily fertile both ways, and oh boy you should see her seedlings (you will, many are future intros).  She has also proven hardy and 100% double in Washington state. 

We are keeping half our inventory back to hybridize, so to say she is limited is an understatement.  If you only get one double from Topgun Daylilies this year--- if you only get one EVER--- get this one.