Topguns Ghost Whisperer, Daylily
Topguns Ghost Whisperer, Daylily
Topguns Ghost Whisperer, Daylily Topguns Ghost Whisperer, Daylily

*Topguns Ghost Whisperer

*Topguns Ghost Whisperer (Sdlg# 14040) sdlg x sdlg DOR Tet MLa 6” flower 31” scape 5 br 20 bc RE

     We are releasing Topguns Ghost Whisperer as a single as it does not double consistently enough to be considered otherwise, but when it does… WOW!  Even so, it is a spectacular single in its own right.  The dark rose base and blue watermark is complimented by cream sepals lightly brushed with rose.  The yellow green throat is just right in terms of color for this flower.  Add in the fact it is very well branched and a strong rebloomer and it becomes obvious we HAD to introduce this one!