Topguns Metha's Memory

*Topguns Metha's Memory
*Topguns Metha’s Memory— DOR Tet EM 34” scape 6-6.6” flower 4br 20bc RE

 We have had this flower for quite some time.  We could have released it years ago, but I just didn’t want to let it go!  We are not big into developing singles here, so when we do, it is most likely a winner in our eyes.  The edge goes from ruffles to teeth, back to ruffles and back to teeth.  The teeth extend to the sepals, which are a shade lighter than the petals.  The hot pink petals really pop in the garden and get hotter with the temperature.  Extremely fertile both ways, we pod it up every year and it begs for more! This one is EXTREMELY limited.  Named for my grandmother who passed away this spring.  Of course she gets the sassiest flower!